I want Poland to report and sue me too

Captura de pantalla 2019-03-30 a la(s) 18.10.40.png

I want Poland to report me too, sue me, accuse me, and crucify me

because I publicly state that:

the Polish did not give my brother back

the Polish confiscated the houses and all their contents once the Jews were deported

the Polish would not let my mother walk on the sidewalk and would kick her onto the street “where animals belong”

the Polish, after seeing that my parents had survived, said with disdain “eh? You survived?”

the Polish asked for bribes when they discovered a Jew

the Polish would report them even after they had been bribed

I want Poland to report me,

sue me, accuse me, and crucify me because

the Polish incinerated their neighbors in Jedwabne

the Polish killed those returning to Kielce

the Polish would not let Jews join their resistance

the Polish would stalk the streets, hoping to catch a Jew for the reward

the Polish hid Jews for money and, when the money ran out, would end up reporting them

the Polish would sell water at exorbitant prices when trains stopped on their way to Treblinka and Auschwitz

I want Poland to report me, sue me, accuse me, and crucify me because

the Polish mocked Jewish students at school

the Polish priests preached hate century after century based on the believe that the Jews killed Christ

the Polish applauded the Nazi hordes who ripped Jews from their homes

the Poles who were hired to help Jews cross rivers and borders were the same ones who would abandon them in unknown places

the Polish were the ones who, after abandoning them, would report them

I want Poland to report me, sue me, accuse me, and crucify me because

Even though I also say that

the Polish government abroad was not a Nazi accomplice, and that

there were also some Poles who did not submit and did help the Jews

some Poles did hide them, feed them, and take care of them while risking their lives

some Poles did provide them with false documents

some Poles were also part of Zegota’s salvation network

without these Poles almost no Jews would have survived

these thousands of Poles stood in harsh contrast to the millions of complicit Poles who were guilty of actions of omission and commision

Because of all this

I want Poland to report me too, sue me, accuse me, and crucify me

Diana Wang. President of Generaciones de la Shoá en Argentina.

Translation by Judith Tiferes and David LaVergne