Born in Poland in 1945, daughter of Shoah Jewish survivors. In 1947 came to Argentina and lives there.
Psychologist specialized in Family Therapy, she writes about her profession as well as about Shoah survivors and their descendants. Author of: "Por una margarita", a travel chronicle (unpublished); "Con una piedra en el zapato", testimonial fictionalized novel (unpublished); "De terapias y personas", psychological text with Musia Auspitz (published) , and "Surviving Survival", a collection of essays about Shoah survivors (published in Spanish as "El Silencio de los Aparecidos"), and "Los niños escondidos. Del Holocausto a Buenos Aires". Many of her notes and articles have been published in the media.
She was involved in the testimony project by the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation founded by Steven Spielberg in the psychological assessment. She is the President of Generaciones de la Shoá en Argentina (Generations of the Shoah in Argentina), the blending of two groups: Children of the Shoah and Second Generation. She belongs since september 2003 to the Advisory Board of the International Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust.
She was part in the making of the testimonial film "And We Were Children" (2001) by Bernardo Kononovich, a video about the experience of survivors that were children during the Shoah. Leaded the International Conference Facing the Future that took place in Buenos Aires, november 21-24, 2004. Frequently writes about the issue and lectures in schools and institutions locally and abroad. Her main interest is located in the awarness of totalitarian phenomenons, their internal dynamics, ideological and pragmatical substractum, because far from being a past issue they are dangerously alive in today´s world.
Having immigrated to Argentina illeagally claiming to be Catholic because there was a secret order that forbid the Jews to enter this land, she requested to the government to change her identity in the Immigration Records. In 2005 she was successful. Read the story here (bloomberg). and here (JTA).
Since 2006 is a founding member of Foro de Liderazgo y Participación - mujeres en la comunidad judía (Leadership Forum-Women in the Jewish Community).
In August 2006 was honored with the Moises Award, in Buenos Aires, for her work in the transmission of the Shoah and keeping its memory.